- “Trophées Études et Innovations 2018”: MarketingScan rewarded
- +6% de ventes grâce à l’optimisation d’une campagne TV sur une cible d’acheteurs
- 170 years of LU: Mondelez optimizes the TV / YouTube mix
- 42èmes Journées Annuelles IFM – 26 novembre 2014
- Ad4Sales: the most powerful TV efficiency measurement
- An innovative protocol that offers to brands the benefits of reality without the constraints.
- Autour de BehaviorScan / Edition 2012 – “Les risques et opportunités d’un changement de nom”
- Change of packaging: Le Ster/Armor Délices testimonial
- Conférence IFLS – 9 octobre 2014
- Conférence IFLS – Journée Animation Clients / Promotion organisée par l’IFLS sur le thème « Comment accroitre votre efficacité ? »
- Conférence Promo Research – 26 mars 2015
- Congratulations to d’aucy’s team, winner of the IFM 2016 Gold Meter!
- Data targeting: +7% on sales of Invictus perfume
- Drive-to-store: the road to success
- How Borges assessed the potential of the new design of one of its ranges
- How do you measure the effectiveness of a digital campaign in a post-cookie world?
- iligo and Marketingscan expand the possibilities of online pack testing
- InnoScan® booste vos argumentaires
- Innovation – verbatim Royal Unibrew-Geyer – Alexandre Mariat
- Institut du Commerce : l’interview de Xavier Hua
- Journée Nationale des Etudes – 21 janvier 2016
- Linear TV & Segmented TV: the winning combo
- MarketingScan and iligo innovate with PackImpact, a packaging test in a real shopping situation
- MarketingScan booste vos argumentaires
- MarketingScan et iligo poursuivent leur partenariat avec le lancement d’InnoImpact
- MarketingScan evaluates the reach of a YouTube campaign in addition to a TV plan
- MarketingScan measures the effectiveness of a cross-device digital campaign
- MarketingScan measures the efficiency of a Facebook campaign for Buitoni
- MarketingScan measures the efficiency of a targeted ad on Facebook
- MarketingScan measures the impact of a mobile campaign on sales for Rexona
- MarketingScan measures the ROI of a Facebook campaign for Herta
- Mix TV / YouTube : Nestlé Dessert dope de 7% l’impact média sur ses ventes
- Nutella B-Ready: success of a major innovation tested with MarketingScan!
- Nutella biscuits: genesis of a success story
- Online video: how effective are short formats?
- Or how to boost sales by combining behavioural data and TV targeting
- Pack Impact: Sodebo’s feedback
- Perrier boosts in-store sales with Waze
- Retail Media: MarketingScan measures the effectiveness of a Digital TV + In-Store campaign
- Retour sur la saga publicitaire “Monster Munch”
- ROI on YouTube: Tapping into Personal Entertainment
- Si un produit marche à Angers, il marche partout ! – Capital
- Success story: TV MayTea campaign results – SNPTV case study
- The interview of Baptiste Tougeron
- The interview of Damien Bénéteau
- Un reportage diffusé dans l’Edition Spéciale sur Canal +, expliquant le fonctionnement d’un marché test à travers l’exemple de la ville d’Angers.
- Unilever optimizes the TV / Facebook mix with MarketingScan!