Although an essential component of the retailers’ loyalty strategy, promotions are both a threat and an opportunity for brands. Even if they can have an adverse sales effect by subsidising planned purchases and create a form of consumer ‘addiction’, they remain an effective way to support sales or advertise a new product. In the increasingly complex promotional environment, digital promotions offer new opportunities. Therefore, making the right decisions between various promotional tactics demands an accurate measure of the promotion’s ability to meet your marketing objectives. We make it our mission at MarketingScan to share our promotional impact expertise with you. At MarketingScan, we enable you to identify the most cost-effective promotions by understanding underlying shopper dynamics. Whether you are planning a 3 for 2 offer, an in-store demonstration with product tasting, virtual discount coupons or samples in drive-through stores, the analysis of purchase receipts enables us to isolate and track your promotion’s buyers over time. We compare the evolution of their purchases against a control group made up of category buyers who are your promotion’s non-buyers. We consider various complementary parameters:Analyse the impact of planned promotional tactics
Promotional impact: choosing the right measures to gain the right insights
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