
It’s at the shelf that decisions are made. A packaging change is either a huge opportunity or a real risk with an up to 30% potential loss in volume sales. Therefore, it is essential to measure the potential of your new ideas with a packaging test in an actual buying environment. You need to weigh up carefully any visual changes, new brand names, new recipes, upsizing or downsizing, etc.

Packaging plays a major role as a consumer touchpoint beyond its main function. It provides information about the product, helps it to stand out on shelf, prompts shoppers to stop and buy. Brand visibility is multiplied further each time the product is used. Your packaging also plays a key role in developing brand loyalty.

Often unconsciously, its visual cues prompt buyers’ decisions, especially for your most loyal consumers. Now, even the slightest tweak may attract or repel shoppers’ attention in the middle of a buying decision.


Quantifying the on-shelf potential of a new packaging

At MarketingScan, we give you the opportunity to test your new packaging in real stores. We can work with you whether you have just a pack-shot, a few prototypes or a limited production range. Our solutions quantify the on-shelf potential of your new packaging and with shoppers in stores with a genuine intent to buy:

Test in real stores

We negotiate the introduction of your new packaging on test stores’ shelves on your behalf. We take care of shelf replenishment and monitoring over time, and we deliver an in-depth sales performance analysis. The impact of the new packaging and the old pack present in control stores are compared over the same time frame.

Live, in-store shopper survey

Using images shown on a tablet screen or prototypes placed on shelves, we gauge your new packaging’s effect on sales and on shoppers with a survey carried out during actual store visits and at time of purchase. Visual appeal, understanding or acceptance by shoppers exposed to the new packaging are compared to the same metrics measured in control stores with the current packaging.

Limit brand risks with in-store packaging tests

  • Net effect on brand and its lines’ sales
  • Net effect on direct competitors and retailers’ own brand sales
  • Impact on consumer dynamics (market penetration, purchase frequency, average spend, crossover purchases, brand switching, profiles…)
  • Impact on shopper perception: visual appeal, understanding, acceptance, uniqueness, intent to buy, etc.
  • And analysis of retailers’ acceptance as seen in store
Following our test, we are fully satisfied. We now have solid backed up figures to be used in-house. We are more confident in the future because we were able to anticipate the future actions of the brand and of the market within the test market. Thanks to the BehaviorScan methodology, we now have precise answers…
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We needed to evaluate quickly the emergence, the attractiveness and the understanding of the concept of our new ranges Légumiô in real life condition. Conducting this study in store with shoppers in real condition of purchase is really an added value for us. The answers provided are clear and concrete, and we can easily build…
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