
Innovation is a race against time and your competition may fight back quickly. Therefore, getting a timely and in-depth understanding of consumer purchase behaviour must be your priority concern. Our valuable insights help you to maintain your new brands on store shelves and convince more retailers to list them. Our solution and the reliable insights gathered also enable you to optimise your marketing and sales activations within the very first weeks of your launch.

A comprehensive evaluation based on loyalty card data

Our methodology relies on the use of loyalty card data, enabling deeper insights than simple observation.

By analysing this data source with unbeatable customer information access, we perform comprehensive post roll-out assessments with high levels of statistical reliability, as early as 2-3 months after your product’s market introduction.

The results – based on participating stores – make it easy for you to precisely quantify the category and brand uplift. Due to the high customer numbers involved, the gain analysis can be carried out against a large range of competitors.

Our approach is powerful and offers early data availability. It can be used to analyse a roll-out targeted at the whole of France as well as a test with a single French retailer.

Confirm your marketing objectives and convince retailers

Primary purpose: a check on the soundness of your marketing objectives:

  • Market penetration and repeat purchase rate, against new product benchmarks and existing ranges
  • Potential to attract new brand buyers and increase your brand’s total volume sales
  • Origin of first-time buyers and parallel purchases
  • Buyers’ profiles against the category and competitors

Gain useful insights to convince retailers, with reliable and objective data:

  • Incremental turnover due to new product
  • Ability to attract new buyers to the category
  • Ability to attract relevant targets for both the category and the retailer
  • Identification of best shelf layout recommendation
General Mills
General Mills
On our markets, launch analysis often comes late because of the lack of buyers in the study samples. Thanks to Consumer Zoom, we were rapidly able to draw a thorough assessment and to precisely analyze customer flows in order to fully understand the impact of our innovation on the performance of our existing mixes. Category…
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This innovation assessment provided us with clear teachings as to our launch performance, a light on the additional sales generated, but also on its recruitment power and on the type of customer reached. This provides us with key elements to strengthen its positioning in stores. This MarketingScan innovation assessment has become "best practice" on a…
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Your work on assortment raised much interest during category review by offering a point of view that was complementary but also much more intuitive and visual than traditional assortment optimization models (Assortman, Consumer optimizer...).   Research Manager
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With this innovation assessment, we were able to confirm that our marketing target was hit. We are now more confident in making investment decisions in support of this innovation, and therefore in securing its potential at retailers.    Brand Manager
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Mc Cormick
Mc Cormick
Through this first collaboration, Mc Cormick's Catman teams appreciated the quality of the MarketingScan service: the insights are operational and can be used directly in category reviews. The support, advice and exchanges on issues are of good quality and are on the agenda. There is real expertise generating real added value to our client approaches.…
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