Law No. 2018-771 for the “freedom to choose one’s professional future” of 5 September 2018, commonly known as the “Loi Avenir” (Future Law), sets up a series of reforms including the vocational training system, unemployment insurance, professional equality, employment of disabled workers, etc.
This law, which aims to strengthen professional equality between women and men, reinforces MarketingScan’s position and commitment in this area.
As part of these regulatory changes, the Government has introduced a tool to calculate pay inequalities.
It includes 4 indicators for companies with fewer than 250 employees, each associated with a rating in the form of points:
• The F/W pay gap
• The difference in individual rates of increase F/W
• Wage revision on return from maternity leave
• The F/W representation of the 10 highest paid employees
Companies are obliged to publish their scores at the beginning of March.
On 1 March 2020, MarketingScan had a very good overall score of 96/100 thus meeting the regulatory requirements.
This score fully reflects the state of mind of MarketingScan’s governance, in terms of professional equality between women and men..
This very positive result is a motivation to continue in this approach and to propose new actions for improvement.